Sunday, February 10, 2008

Blogging for Long Term Profits by Zackery Lim garin

If you blog, you want to make sure you are blogging for long term profits. Blogging can take you to a world of business and profits. Being one of the favorite pastimes of the modern web user, blogging has separated itself from the genre of personal expression and established itself as a business tool. You might wonder how having blogs may garner profits. Read on and find out how you can start generating long term profits from your blogs.

Every online business needs a blog for a lot of good reasons. First and foremost, blogs help expose the business to the online community by sharing information regarding the business. Being an advertising tool, blogging is a cheap way to get customers and potential customers to visit your business website by having links included in your blog posts.

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Blogging for Long Term Profits by Zackery Lim

If you blog, you want to make sure you are blogging for long term profits. Blogging can take you to a world of business and profits. Being one of the favorite pastimes of the modern web user, blogging has separated itself from the genre of personal expression and established itself as a business tool. You might wonder how having blogs may garner profits. Read on and find out how you can start generating long term profits from your blogs.

Every online business needs a blog for a lot of good reasons. First and foremost, blogs help expose the business to the online community by sharing information regarding the business. Being an advertising tool, blogging is a cheap way to get customers and potential customers to visit your business website by having links included in your blog posts.

Blogs make it relatively easy to publish content in the internet. All you have to do is write something, preferably based on a topic of your choice or proficiency, and then submit it to blog directories or display it in your own website. Make sure to create a blog that is interesting to read and contains content that readers may find useful. If you have blog tools or applications, you can even have faster and easier ways to post your blogs to numerous blog sites other than your own.

Blogs that are well-written and categorized tend to be prioritized by search engines. In addition, having blogs that are constantly updated are easily picked up by search engines. The result is having these blogs receive a high ranking on these search engines. With high rankings on search engines, your blogs get exposed to more potential readers and customers. If you utilize keywords for your blogs, they are even more potentially visible to readers.

Perhaps the whole point of blogging is to get a high search engine ranking and gain enormous popularity. This is how your business is going to thrive even for long term periods. Do everything you can to create or obtain blogs that are keyword-rich, have quality content, and contain links to your business website. Have constantly updated blogs to stay on top and keep your contents fresh to preserve the interest of customers and readers.

The key to your business success is to have popular blogs that endorse your business to keep it alive and flowing with customers. Through your blogs, you can make a name for yourself and your business. Over time, blogging for long term profits is the way to go if you want to be one of the highest ranking and most successful business websites on the net.

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Iniciando um Blog em 5 Passos by Renato Guariglia da Silva

A criação de um blog é tão fácil quanto contar 1-2-3, ou 1-2-3-4-5 para ficarmos de acordo com o título. O verdadeiro desafio realmente vem após o seu blog ter sido criado. Agora, você deverá descobrir como fazer seu blog aparecer nos sites de busca e como conduzir tráfego de qualidade para ele. E eu vou dizer-lhe, seu blog lhe exigirá muito trabalho, mas se você conduzir da forma adequada, o resultado final pode ser extremamente gratificante.

1. Não desista. Haverá momentos em que você verá muito pouco tráfego e pode acabar frustrado. Trata-se de uma ocorrência natural na internet. Demora algum tempo até você obter uma melhora perceptível. Portanto, em vez de desistir, seja mais agressivo na atualização e na promoção do seu blog. Falaremos mais sobre estes aspectos mais adiante, mas não espere resultados imediatos. Agora, persistência é a palavra chave. E agindo assim você estará mais perto de sucesso.

2. Seja original. Não copie ou refaça o blog de alguém. Lembre-se de que você está blogando para que você possa transmitir novas informações para os seus visitantes. Quando você copia ou utiliza qualquer outro conteúdo estará enviando uma mensagem de que você não tem conhecimento suficiente sobre o assunto escolhido ou está simplesmente sendo preguiçoso para escrever seus próprios artigos.

3. Não exagere na propaganda. Existem alguns blogs que contêm mais links de anúncios do que conteúdo. Às vezes, blogueiros esquecem os fundamentos de se ganhar algum dinheiro através do blog. A fim de tirar proveito dele, você tem que atrair visitantes online primeiro e você só pode fazer isso por meio da publicação de conteúdo de qualidade. Quando você for capaz de estabelecer para seus leitores a sua credibilidade, então será reconhecido como um perito, e só então será o momento de trabalhar seus produtos. Como disse acima, primeiro você deverá trabalhar duro para “estabelecer” seu espaço, para só depois pensar na lucratividade do negócio.

4. Publique conteúdo de qualidade. Isto irá fazer o seu blog “pegar”. Para garantir que seus visitantes voltem, forneça conteúdo útil e informativo regularmente.

5. Publique à frente. Se você pretende sair em férias ou simplesmente não poderá publicar artigos por alguns dias, escreva com antecedência e programe a ferramenta de publicação automática para publicar suas postagens nas datas programadas.

Se você quer saber mais sobre como fazer seu blog, mantenha-se conectado, visitando-nos regularmente.

Espero que estas dicas possam lhes ser úteis, e principalmente que possam lhes ajudar a gera uma renda extra, melhorando assim suas vidas.

Para aqueles que dominam o inglês e queiram receber material, basta fazer contato que terei o maior prazer em ajudá-los,e quem sabe juntos possamos criar mais riqueza e conhecimento.

About the Author

Renato Guariglia da Silva é engenheiro pela PUC/RS e pós graduado em Marketing pela ESPM. Atualmente desenvolve atividades de Consultoria em Marketing e Gestão de Vendas através da Internet. Criou o site FaculdadeNet com a intenção de divulgar conhecimentos de como se obter uma renda extra através da internet.FaculdadeNet.

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The 3 Steps to Making Money With Blogs by Ashley McAllister

Blogs are such a fun thing to use when first starting out on the internet. If you aren’t familiar with blogs well, maybe you own a face book, MySpace or something else like that. Well, it is kind of the same thing except it is used more for your opinions on things and also to express whatever it is that you are feeling. Lately there have been many people using blogs these days because they are realizing what a great effect they have on their home business.

A blog can get the word out there quickly if you have a new product to launch or a new website of some sort. Blogs are ranked highly amongst Google so you would have a better chance getting ranked in the search engines then you would if you started your own website from scratch. In my past experiences, it took my regular website 3 months to get indexed by Google. Then I set up a blog at blogger to see if that would help my website out. Well, long story short, my blog was indexed within 4 days of me setting it up and writing in it.

I was completely shocked! I figured that if a blog can get indexed that fast, I can’t even begin to think how much money I could be making. So, I started a whole bunch of blogs on different subjects and they all got indexed into the search engines extremely fast!

Today, I would like to walk you threw how you can set up a blog to start making money from it immediately. After this article, hopefully you can then go on and explore all of the blogging possibilities like I have.

1. Blogger

Blogger is probably the best blog site to use because it was created by Google they. This will already give you brownie points off the bat because you are using their site. Another reason blogger is so good to use is because they are a free site to join.

2. Topic

Once you create a blogger account, you need to think of a topic that you can write about and teach others about as well. Make sure that the topic you are thinking about is something that will interest other s. Next, you need to find all of the keywords that people are searching for about this topic and then monetize these keywords into your blog.

3. Click bank

Next, find a product that relates to your topic and create a hop link for it. At the end of your posts you can leave that link at the bottom and then you will start to see that money roll in. People will buy the products that you offer.

About the Author

For more information, you can check out: Blogging to the bank. If you are wondering what Blogging to the bank is, it has said to be a 7 step blogging for profits blueprint.

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